Role-playing games or RPGs are infinitely beloved by video game enthusiasts that even such action-oriented franchises like Assassin’s Creed or Yakuza re-invent themselves with elements like leveling up systems, crafting, and weapons stats borrowed from the best games genre has ever produced. RPG games such as the Diablo series give players the freedom to explore different character classes and experiment with different builds, abilities, and weapons. To applaud the genre and offer gamers hours of role-playing we’re presenting you with a special collection of the best RPG games.

Click here, dive into the collection and pick your next RPG! Here are a few suggestions:

Diablo III

Diablo 3

When you hear the word RPG, there’s a 98.09% chance the first game you think about is Diablo, especially, if you’re a gamer who grew up in the late 90s and early 2000s. Diablo II has been titled a masterpiece by many and its formula mimicked by every ARPG developer in years to come. Diablo III has changed the core leveling up and expansive skill tree mechanics Diablo II was so praised for and took a more convenient and accessible approach. It became a perfect gateway for the new generation of gamers to dive into the game series that is so fondly remembered and praised by many ARPG fans.

Diablo 3 Battle Chest Key GLOBAL
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (DLC) Key GLOBAL
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Diablo III: Eternal Collection (Xbox One) Xbox Live Key EUROPE
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 Yakuza: Like a Dragon

The Yakuza series is known for its dive into Japan’s criminal underworld, complex gangster dramas, and goofy, ridiculous side quests, activities, and humor. How two completely different tones work is far beyond any human comprehension. They just do, creating a unique video game experience rarely met in any other video games. Yakuza 0 through 6 tell the story of ex-Yakuza Kazuma Kiryu, the number of 7 mainline games might be a huge ordeal for many gamers (though completely worth it).

The 7th mainline installment in the series Yakuza: Like A Dragon introduced a new protagonist and even changed the core gameplay mechanics from action beat ‘em up to turn-based JRPG, where Final Fantasy and Persona fans feel right at home. The game is an ideal jumping point for newcomers looking to experience the grittiness and the weirdness of one of the most acclaimed video game series. 

Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Hero Edition) Steam Key GLOBAL
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Yakuza: Like a Dragon PC/XBOX LIVE Key EUROPE
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 

The Witcher: 3 Wild Hunt has become a genre-defining action RPG where you could choose what kind of Witcher you wanna be. The game offers three different skill trees: one for potions that add different buffs and effects to Geralt’s stats and weapons, another for players who like to use magic, and the third for those who are keen on mastering the sword. 

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Regardless, The Witcher 3 made its imprint on a side quest and open-world approach reinventing and breaking the staple and overused fetch quest mechanics. Side quests still may have been the same old and familiar activities stripped to their core, but behind every side quest, behind every monster hunt, there was hiding an expansive narrative that could impact and change the surrounding world map. This new approach to game design drew a new blueprint for the upcoming action RPGs, including the aforementioned Assassin’s Creed series, or Horizon Zero Dawn, and cemented Wild Hunt as a game that is a must to play.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY Key GLOBAL
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY (Xbox One) Xbox Live Key EUROPE
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Click here to explore the entire RPG games collection. We are sure you’ll find a game tailored especially to your tastes and preferences. The fantastical, dark, weird, and mysterious worlds of RPGs await!